Gregory Bateson: a (complex) thought to think about complexity. An attempt to a therapeutic reading/writing

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The article offers a glance at man and his vast range of thought, assuming the difficulty of trying to 'catch' the core of the project bensoniano. Bateson is a character that transtravelled disciplines -communication, ethnology and anthropology, psychiatry/psychology, genetics, philosophy, biology, zoology, ethology and etiology, cybernetics- settling in what he calls the natural history of ideas, or ecology of the mind. This paper presents a approach to this vast Batesonian thought, and particularly his epistemology for cultural change.

Article Details

Guido Lagos Garay

Author Biography

Guido Lagos Garay

Profesor de la Universidad Bolivariana.

Lagos Garay, G. (2018). Gregory Bateson: a (complex) thought to think about complexity. An attempt to a therapeutic reading/writing. Polis (Santiago), (9).


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