Inequality in Chile: economic, ethical, and political challenge

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The author refers us to the context of crisis of 'real socialism' and in the West to the conservative attack to the Welfare State, to assert that there has been a weakening of the positions that historically struggled to overcome inequality, and a weakening of social protection. And to this is added an economic model that defines strategies worldwide and has caused an unprecedented increase in inequality. But despite this backdrop, in recent times the discussion on equality has revived. The text then focuses on inequality in Chile, following its history from the neoliberal reforms and analyzing its sectorial expressions to finally alert that it is in this inequality where the real 'country risk' lyes.

Article Details

Roberto Pizarro

Author Biography

Roberto Pizarro

Economista, Doctor (c) en Economía, ex Ministro de Planificación de Chile

Pizarro, R. (2018). Inequality in Chile: economic, ethical, and political challenge. Polis (Santiago), (10).


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