The university facing globalization

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Section: Cartografías para el futuro


Today we have a global conscience which places humankind with a responsability towards life on earth as an ethical demand and as a condition for the possibility for all future life. Utility and ethics must meet in this challenge. Globalization is a different process, of a more practical nature: globalization of messages, numbers, transportation, with the subsequent global disponibility, digitaly instantaneous and at a minimum rate of time when it comes to physical transportation. This allows global markets, social division of labour nets, all plannified by private multinational burocracies and global production enterprises. Within this reality, to face global threats is certainly a political problem, but one that cannot succeed without developping a culture which can allow and motivate responsability. Universities are the key institutions for the formulation and promotion of this responsability culture in connection with a culture of hope.

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Franz Hinkelammert

Author Biography

Franz Hinkelammert

Economista, teórico social y teólogo. Doctor en economía de la Universidad Libre de Berlín, investigador del Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones de San José y autor de diversas obras.

Hinkelammert, F. (2018). The university facing globalization. Polis (Santiago), (11).


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