The shift in consciousness as a key destination World Social Forum and the World. Reflections after the meeting of the WSF in Caracas

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The author narrates in this chronicle, the details of the recent World Social Forum which took place in the city of Caracas, Venezuela. In the text he reveals the concern that rices because of the governmental intervention of the ‘chavista’ administration, in an event whose slogan is precisely one of independence of the organizations who shape it. Nevertheless, Bracho rescues the unique opportunity that was brought up in order to be able to think about a new conscience that seems to arise from the very participating actors and which is the result of the dialogue and the recognition of ancestral wisdom long desplaced from modern western culture.

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Frank Bracho
Bracho, F. (2018). The shift in consciousness as a key destination World Social Forum and the World. Reflections after the meeting of the WSF in Caracas. Polis (Santiago), (13).


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