Intercultural challenge and andean theology

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Latinamerican theologies have focused on socio-economic issues, identity, spirituality. There are new concerns about gender, ecology, dialogue among cultures and among religions. A key question is what is the meaning of salvation in Christ today in multicultural contexts. This essay benefits from the work of Vicenta Mamani, Domingo Llanque, Victor Bascope. An indigenous and mestizo perspective is that faith in the living God implies disbelief in market idols. I underline that culture be seen not as an essence, but rather as an historical process in which a community believes and loves. Interculturality is not a fashion. Different human communities may engage in dialogue, but it takes place in the midst of inequity. For this reason, the proposal of liberation seeks interaction among peoples. Latinamerican theology has been concerned with inculturation, and now it is also concerned with interculturality.

Article Details

Diego Irarrázaval

Author Biography

Diego Irarrázaval

Sacerdote de la Congregación de la Santa Cruz, Licenciado en Teología y Profesor Adjunto de la  Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez.

Irarrázaval, D. (2018). Intercultural challenge and andean theology. Polis (Santiago), (18).


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