University, production of knowledge and formation in Latin America

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Section: Lente de aproximación


The present text wishes to contribute to the debate proposed by Nómade starting from a critical reading of University in Latin America.  This reading recovers two issues that are understood as structural and framing in the knowledge production process: the epistemic issue and that of the formation of subjects.  These thoughts are undertaken from three aspects which are proposed as analysis of the present: a) the loss of sense in the relationship subject/subject in the formative processes; b) the scissure of social tie since brought up by  higher education policies; and c) the loss of social importance of the university sphere.  In this framework central aspects of an epistemi –epistemologycal proposition of the historic conscience are delineated –and also its translation both in its methodological aspect as well as in its didactic aspect.

Article Details

Estela Quintar

Author Biography

Estela Quintar

Pedagoga y doctora en Antropología Social. Secretaria General del Instituto Pensamiento y Cultura en América Latina A.C. en Ciudad de México.

Quintar, E. (2018). University, production of knowledge and formation in Latin America. Polis (Santiago), (18).


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