Fear, security and resistances: fear as political articulation of  negativity

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Fear is nowadays one of the most powerful constitutive elements of  social relationships and of subjective production processes that seek the homogenization and disappearance of differences, thus be at the cost of the elimination of the different.  The fear is constituted in an operator of the territories of power for the control and contention of the desire of citizens and, the politics that promote it, are transformed and articulated to the new modalities of war. Postmodern war becomes thus a state of unlimited exception that questions openly the standing of human and social rights, criminalizing not only the so called armed enemy, but any form of peaceful social resistance.  The scenery of  orders of security that come about from war can be altered from the irruption of singular existential projects, which can break with the friend-enemy logic.  That is what the peaceful resistance, which  raises in regards to the statements of fear, is about.  

Article Details

Óscar Useche Aldana

Author Biography

Óscar Useche Aldana

Economista, Magíster en Investigación Social Interdisciplinaria, ha realizado  estudios de Doctorado en el Instituto de Paz y Conflictos de la Universidad de Granada donde obtuvo el Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA). Investigador sobre temas de conflicto, derechos humanos y convivencia.  Profesor de la Universidad del Rosario, profesor e investigador de la Maestría en Investigación social de la Universidad Distrital y Director del Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Humanas y Sociales (CEIHS)  y de la Revista Polisemia de la Universidad Minuto de Dios.

Useche Aldana, Óscar. (2018). Fear, security and resistances: fear as political articulation of  negativity. Polis (Santiago), (19). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2008-N19-561


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