Collective memory and national identity: Letters to the Editor. Or words on the air for an exercise of (the) memory

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


This writing offers a discussion in regards to the possibility that individual memories, originated in diverse national contexts -this is, spread by physical as well as politics distances- and gathered by a subject matter farely common -as is the experience of the extended phenomenon of vagrancy (or street situation, as is mostly called nowadays)- can constitute or be constituted in collective memory given their common characteristics. Being a bibliographical critical exercise on this particular subject, it also refers to the conventional forms of essay writing, upon adopting the most contemporary format as is the e-mail, taking into account the incidency that virtual communication and technologies associated to Internet have opened to memory and  identity, upon acting as its day to day difuminator/recreator.  

Article Details

Leonardo Piña Cabrera

Author Biography

Leonardo Piña Cabrera

Licenciado en Antropología Social de la Universidad Bolivariana y alumno del Doctorado en Antropología de las universidades de Tarapacá y Católica del Norte.

Piña Cabrera, L. (2018). Collective memory and national identity: Letters to the Editor. Or words on the air for an exercise of (the) memory. Polis (Santiago), (19).


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