Resignificance of leisure: contributions for a transformational learning

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


This investigation has as principal aim to rethink leisure in contemporary Latin-American societies, seeking to generate contributions for its resignificance. For this, leisure is approached considering its links with emergent current realities. It starts by constructing definitions of what is understood by leisure, based on the theoretical already existing developments. Extending the perspective, a critical analysis of the form in which the leisure is perceived in the imaginary social current Latin American is presented. Later social advances and setbacks are analyzed as warnings that express the current situation of leisure. To conclude a first proposal is elaborated, in which the leisure will be re-signified looking for the possibility of constructing new knowledges and practices for a learning commited with the social transformation.

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Rodrigo Elizalde
Elizalde, R. (2018). Resignificance of leisure: contributions for a transformational learning. Polis (Santiago), 9(25).


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