In search of Ivy Mara Ey (Land without evil): The pursue of a territory of visibility through interculturality

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The intercultural education is built on the encounter between indigenous and non-indigenous people and their exchange of experiences. In Brazil this is due, in part, to the creation of the Law 11645/2008, wich establishes the obligation of indigenous issues related to work with kids in the brazilian basic education. But it also appears as an alternative for students at risk and social vulnerability, with Amerindian reality, as occurs in the school where this research was conducted. The objective of the investigation was to understand what concepts and identifications non-indigenous students develop in relation to indigenous people and their Amerindian ancestry, at a school that assumes and incorporates indigenous knowledge in their everyday teaching, as it addresses the theme throughout the year due to the constant presence of indigenous Kaingang people. The methodology used was based on questionnaires, observation of pottery workshops held with indigenous Kaingang, development of workshops with students and field registration. My work is based in some authors as Bonin, Canclini, Bergamaschi, Munduruku and Kusch. The school where my research was developed appears as a differential space, an intercultural place, where students and Kaingang indigenous get more visibility and share knowledge and experiences.

Article Details

Luana Barth Gomes
Barth Gomes, L. (2018). In search of Ivy Mara Ey (Land without evil): The pursue of a territory of visibility through interculturality. Polis (Santiago), 13(38).


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