Concept on knowledge: Obstacle/facilitator in university education of community leaders?

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


This paper presents some of the results of the research "Education of Community Leaders in Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV): towards a more appropriate conception", realized during 2012 by a group of academics of the "Education and Culture Certification Program", offered by PUCV in the year 2011 to Education Directors of the camps supported by ‘Roof in the Valparaiso Region’. From this experience, arises the problem of the appropriateness of the conception of knowledge in the educational proposal. Thus, this qualitative, interpretative research focuses on the knowledge conception and its appropriateness in the education of these leaders, and its unit of analysis is the Program itself. Based on the empirical discussion that arises from the voices of the actors, on the institutional documents and the theorical discussion that comes from them, the imaginaries about knowledge are reported.

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Rodrigo Araya Campos
Cristina Julio Maturana
Patricia Moggia Münchmeyer
María  Soledad Vargas Carrillo
Araya Campos, R., Julio Maturana, C., Moggia Münchmeyer, P., & Vargas Carrillo, M. S. (2018). Concept on knowledge: Obstacle/facilitator in university education of community leaders?. Polis (Santiago), 13(38).


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