Capitalist restructuring, equity and democratic consolidation in Chile

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The author argues that despite the success attributed to the economic program during the authoritarian regime of General Pinochet, one can conclude that inequality increased and it has not been resolved the problem of poverty. The paper gives a brief historical summary of the implementation of adjustment programs and economic reform policies, and concludes that the neoliberal model is inconsistent with democratic consolidation, and prevents that the vast majority of people can enjoy its economic achievements, which forces the search for a new development strategy.

Article Details

Fernando De la Cuadra

Author Biography

Fernando De la Cuadra

Sociólogo, Universidad de Chile. Doctor (c) en Sociología Rural. Profesor del Magíster en Estudios Sociales y Políticos Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

De la Cuadra, F. (2018). Capitalist restructuring, equity and democratic consolidation in Chile. Polis (Santiago), (4).


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