Participation model by affection: a model for the development of local citizenship

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Section: Cartografías para el futuro


From the conviction of a paradigm crisis scenario, the author outlines the socio-cultural patterns of dependency -which invariably refer to a dominant subject and a dominated subject- and of independence –that has individualism as the sole reference- to note that both exclude a genuine concept of participation which does contain the model of interdependence. After clarifying the false meanings of participation, he develops the third model applied to the field of local development, arguing that it offers a valuable tool to advance towards a process of building citizen power.

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Manuel Jacques

Author Biography

Manuel Jacques

Abogado, Profesor de Filosofía del Derecho,Vicerrector Académico de la Universidad Bolivariana

Jacques, M. (2018). Participation model by affection: a model for the development of local citizenship. Polis (Santiago), (5).


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