A prodigious mind for a systemic world

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Section: Cartografías para el futuro


After clarifying that systems theory is constrained by its logical treatment, and not ontological, the author states that the systems do not arise as an opposed reality to the reality of objects of classical mechanics, but the event; and it is from there that w should start thinking about building useful cognitive tools to the new worldview, which conceives as the only existing ontologically ultimate nature, the non-fragmented totality. This leads him to argue that what susteinas that which we live is he event, the praxical basic unit of what is.

Article Details

Rodrigo Jiliberto

Author Biography

Rodrigo Jiliberto

Economista, MSc., Consultor Senior en Medio Ambiente. Director de TAU Consultora Ambiental. Santa Matilde. España

Jiliberto, R. (2018). A prodigious mind for a systemic world. Polis (Santiago), (5). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2003-N5-232


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