José Martí: for a Latin American culture of nature

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Section: Bosquejos para una nueva episteme


The author presents the ideas of Martí about nature, which are part of the broader universe of concerns, interests and readings he shared with a number of young intellectuals of the region that perceived themselves as modern, by a combination of liberals in their ideology, democrats in the political, and patriotic culturallywise. He claims that Martí offers three contributions of special interest to a history of the environment as a problem in our culture: observations on the interactions between human history and natural history, his reading of authors of modern Anglo-Saxon cultural environment, and finally his incorporation of the natural realm to the field of politics.

Article Details

Guillermo Castro Herrera

Author Biography

Guillermo Castro Herrera

Doctor en Estudios Latinamericanos de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Castro Herrera, G. (2018). José Martí: for a Latin American culture of nature. Polis (Santiago), (7).


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