Geopolitical bases for environmental ethics and solidarity

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Section: Cartografías para el futuro


Discussing the idea of a globalization project of presumptively free and equal citizens, the author analyses the changes of a world which is not capable of  making compatible material progress with the survival of the human species and life on earth. The divorce between technology, politcs and values, seems insurmountable from within the current hegemonic thinking, centered on the notions of a biased economical and political system. The posesive individualism, taken to its outmost expresion in the form of globalized capitalism and financery oriented economy, is in the origin of the current planetary crisis. This essay proposes a new perspective on the value of comunities and groupal wrights (too many times ridiculized as primitives or proper of the Old Regime) as a counterweight to the already impotent conceptions of contractualism and unlimited freedom.

Article Details

José  Manuel Naredo

Author Biography

José  Manuel Naredo

Economista y estadístico, miembro del Comité Editorial Ampliado de Polis

Naredo, J. M. (2018). Geopolitical bases for environmental ethics and solidarity. Polis (Santiago), (13).


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