Hermeneutics at stake, cultural identities and Latinamerican thought on integration  

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From a discursive and practical hermeneutics, this article deepens and  matures theoretically several epistemic and historical analysis about the plural identity in  Latinamerican thought of these last decades.  In a framework dominated by the  “post” shift that characterizes social sciences, a line of investigation which recovers important categories and distinctions -sprouted in theories of Latin-American thinkers- is purssued, in order to show the socio-political ambiguity of the current plural and intercultural shift of identity.  Criticizing weaknesses in the ideas of some authors, a tension is reconstructed between contextuality and universality which assumes topoi or intra-Latinamerican places of enunciation, that go beyond the diluted topics of a certain postmodernistic thinking more connected to northamerican and european contexts.  From there some main topics are discovered in order to renew an intercultural interpretation of a real latinamerican character of cultural identity.  

Article Details

Ricardo Salas Astraín

Author Biography

Ricardo Salas Astraín

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Lovaina,  profesor titular en la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez.

Salas Astraín, R. (2018). Hermeneutics at stake, cultural identities and Latinamerican thought on integration  . Polis (Santiago), (18). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2007-N18-541


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