Latin America: identity and cultural diversity. The contribution of  universities to the integrationist process

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Section: Lente de aproximación


In this article the process of formation of the Latin-American nationality is analyzed, as well as the trails that help to discover the characteristics of our identity, recognizing crossbreeding as the defining element of our  being and doing as latin-americans.  The potentialities brought up by the cultural and ethnic diversity of the region are pointed out.  The integration of Latin America is seen as a challenge that our people should assume, starting from a conception that surpasses the purely economicistic vision and supports itself in the human and solidary dimension.  Finally the tasks that universities should assume in order to contribute to make this challenge come about are examined, such as the promotion of interdisciplinary studies and investigations on the possibilities of  designing a Latin-American project of Human Development, Endogenous and Sustainable, as well as contributing to create an integrationist  conscience and to establish institutes of Latin-American studies, among others issues.  

Article Details

Carlos Tünnermann Bernheim

Author Biography

Carlos Tünnermann Bernheim

Doctor en Derecho. Miembro del Comité Científico para América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO.

Tünnermann Bernheim, C. (2018). Latin America: identity and cultural diversity. The contribution of  universities to the integrationist process. Polis (Santiago), (18).


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