At the crossroads of glocalization. Some thoughts from local, national and global realms

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Section: Lente de aproximación


This paper contains a discussion on the validity or failure of "the grand theory of development", and after ruling the simplified last 'grand theory' of neoliberalism, shows the shift from the grand theory to the proliferation of theories, where many of the new contributions go beyond economism. After ran analysis on whether it will be possible and realistic to try a different development path rising from the observance of human rights as the basis for a caring society under capitalism, proposes the construction of glocal response in the search for a new social pattern of accumulation and participation.

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Alberto Acosta

Author Biography

Alberto Acosta

Ecuatoriano. Economista, Universidad de Colonia, Alemania. Profesor universitario. Consultor internacional y del ILDIS-FES en Ecuador. Asesor de organizaciones indígenas y sociales.

Acosta, A. (2018). At the crossroads of glocalization. Some thoughts from local, national and global realms. Polis (Santiago), (4).


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