From modernitie’s social body to the fragmented body of today

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


In the authors vision, modernity carries within itself differentiation, and because of that, its articulation is a conflictive process. He notes that the passage of discourse from the social body of modernity to the fragmented body of today does not produce consensus, and that the passage of the unitary speech of the social to the fragmentation of the speeches does not mean the end of conflicts, but only establishes a new era for them. In this approach, the problems of the present and the future challenges are overseen, and a mapping of the features that account for the fragmentary discourse is outlined.

Article Details

Cristian Candia Baeza

Author Biography

Cristian Candia Baeza

Licenciado en Filosofía en la Universidad de Chile y candidato al Doctorado con mención en Ética y Filosofía Política. Académico de la Universidad Bolivariana.

Candia Baeza, C. (2018). From modernitie’s social body to the fragmented body of today. Polis (Santiago), (5).


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