Voices and whispers of hope

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The author opens up a wide and deep question about hope, reminding us that around war rise demonstrations for peace; having them their main expression in anti-globalization forums and ecumenical councils, acting as a pressure from below, mobilizing consciences and forcing politicians to come to terms with the popular will. It is the global civil society after further humanization and emancipation goals, and developing global awareness of interdependence. The author finally proposes us that tracking hope with its different costumes, within war conflicts means recognizing that war is not sealed.

Article Details

Joaquín García Roca

Author Biography

Joaquín García Roca

Doctor en Sociología y Teología y profesor de Políticas Sociales de la Universidad de Valencia

García Roca, J. (2018). Voices and whispers of hope. Polis (Santiago), (6). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2003-N6-244


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