The subject on front of the animal phenomenon: towards an integrative view from the new paradigm of complexity

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Section: Bosquejos para una nueva episteme


The author argues that the experience of relating to an animal from a parity -as 'mentor-friend' of a pet- is one of the most significant relational experiences in human/ animal communication, and shows the artificiality of barriers that society erects over the animal issue. Then develops in the article the psycho-social imaginary about animals, their significant meaningfor human existence, with high virtues as well as a threatening inhabitant to our unconscious, and warns of the psychological damage to humans by allowing animal abuse. Finally states that the new paradigm of complexity can make space for an integrated look at a universe of living beings.

Article Details

María  Teresa Pozzoli

Author Biography

María  Teresa Pozzoli

Académica e Investigadora, Escuela de Psicología, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano

Pozzoli, M. T. (2018). The subject on front of the animal phenomenon: towards an integrative view from the new paradigm of complexity. Polis (Santiago), (6).


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