The fall of the towers

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Section: Lente de aproximación


The author poses us with an allien confrontation: Bush’s Bible against the Taliban’s Koran. Bush's God against the Taliban’s Allah. What a World! What we do we have to do with that? This episode –says- is a greater expression of the situation where those who kill commit suicide, and then aspire to heaven where they would receive compensation for their merits. The author refers to the mentality of the Crusades, which earlier confronted Christianity with the Muslim world; and then develops a counterpoint to the September 11 military coup in Chile and the attack on the Twin Towers, arguing that with the collapse of the towers global civil war begins. On contrast, he rescues the search for ways out of this situation raised by the ralternative movement, which he suggests to strengthen in order to prevent worse future disasters. The real dilemma, he says, is between common good and barbarism.

Article Details

Franz Hinkelammert

Author Biography

Franz Hinkelammert

Doctor en Economía de la Universidad de Berlín, autor de numerosas obras, trabaja en el Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones en Costa Rica. Miembro del Consejo Editorial de Polis

Hinkelammert, F. (2018). The fall of the towers. Polis (Santiago), (4).


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