Ethics for life. In praise of the will to power

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The question about the ethics and the will to live, in relation to the rationality and utilitaristic ecology give shape to the text of Enrique Leff. How can one go beyond the present state of things without going back to a primigenic ethics, that which asks about the good life, that which deserves to be lived? On the path of Nietzsche, the rejection of feelings and pulsions is in the center of the rational and instrumental understanding of nature. The unending search for objective knowledge has made us forget the ancient questions about the way to inhabit the world; the same that the Ilustration rejected in the name of cientific knowledge and dominance of the material world. This essay meditates about this conflict, and offers analitical elements that may allow it’s possible overcoming.

Article Details

Enrique Leff
Leff, E. (2018). Ethics for life. In praise of the will to power. Polis (Santiago), (13).


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