Environmental complexity

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Section: Lente de aproximación


The approach to environmental complexity in this essay inscribes itself in the scope of physis generativity, the ecology of the mind, the sciences of complexity and the interdisciplinary methods of complex thought. The environmental complexity is conceived in the perspective of a crisis in knowledge, the objectivation of the world, the intervention of knowledge over nature and the emergency of hybrid entities which overflow the traditional meaning of ontology and epistemology. The environmental rationality is forged in a reencounter among real and simbolic domains, in the resignificance of the world and nature, in a net of otherness relationships among beings and on a knowledge’s dialogue, where the being is reshaped, identities are rebuilt, and new social actors are forged in a politics of the difference, guided under the desire for knowledge and justice, and the social reappropriation of the world and of nature.

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Enrique Leff

Author Biography

Enrique Leff

Coordinador de la Red de Formación Ambiental para América Latina y el Caribe,  Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente. Miembro del Comité Editorial de la Revista Polis.

Leff, E. (2018). Environmental complexity. Polis (Santiago), (16). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2007-N16-486


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