Utopians, anarchists and rebels

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


This article analyzes the current action of civil society movements against global capitalism. The author postulates that they resurface conceptions and attitudes of utopianism, anarchism and rebellion, and although they do not offer ideal societies, they present a vision of utopian horizons, able to give substance to action. In the essay, the author examines neoliberalism as an idolatry of money, and then provides an analysis of these three conceptions.

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Rafael Gumucio

Author Biography

Rafael Gumucio

Profesor de historia y geografía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica, Diplomado de Estudios Avanzados en Historia, de la Universidad de París I, profesor de la Universidad Bolivariana

Gumucio, R. (2018). Utopians, anarchists and rebels. Polis (Santiago), (3). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2002-N3-188


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