Neoliberal Utopia and its critics

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Section: Lente de aproximación


This paper argues that neoliberal theory intends to be a true interpretation of human and social reality, but in turn contains a utopia -in the sense of an impossible project- even if everyone agreed to try to implement it; all this in an intellectual context where it has significant presence the thesis of the end of grand narratives and utopias. Paradoxically, argues the author, neoliberal theory fulfills the functions of an ideology and a utopia, and even attempts to answer key questions about man, freedom, the meaning of human life, society and its institutions. The article covers the history and presents critical theories to this thought, and concludes by showing the political nature of the neoliberal utopia.

Article Details

Jorge Vergara Estévez

Author Biography

Jorge Vergara Estévez

Diplomado en Estudios Avanzados y candidato al Doctorado en la Universidad de París 8. Profesor de la Universidad de Chile y editor de Polis, de la Universidad Bolivariana de Santiago de Chile

Vergara Estévez, J. (2018). Neoliberal Utopia and its critics. Polis (Santiago), (6).


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